Last Updated 11/4/2020
FORTIFIED™ Home Uplift
Calculator for Porch/Carport with Flat Roof1,2,3,4,5,6
1: Confirm that the attached structure
meets all of the following prescriptive eligibility requirements:
• Rectangular or square
plan; 20'D (max.) x 25'W (max.) w/ up to 1.5' max. overhang
• Flat, monoslope roof
• Weight of roof = 7 psf
• Mean roof height = 15
• Framing geometry
configured as shown in Figure 1
2: Enter the following site information:
Design Wind Speed, Vult =
Exposure =
Porch Depth, D =
Porch Width, W =
Roof Member Spacing, S =
Overhang Length, OH =
Number of Columns, N =
Figure 1.
3: Record the required uplift capacities for each connection on the SC2
Silver Compliance Form for Contractor:
Required Uplift Load (ASD) for Connections:
Inside column to foundation:
lbs →
base connector must have allowable uplift (lbs) of
at least:
Inside column to beam:
lbs →
cap connector must have allowable uplift (lbs) of
at least:
Corner column to foundation:
lbs →
column base connector must
have allowable uplift (lbs) of at least:
Corner column to beam:
lbs →
column cap connector must have allowable uplift
(lbs) of at least:
Each roof member to beam:
lbs →
must have allowable uplift (lbs) of at least:
Step 4:
connectors (such as column bases, column caps, straps, hangers, ties) must
have published allowable uplift loads that meet or exceed the required loads
from Step 3, and verify that connectors are installed per manufacturer
installation instructions. Contact connector manufacturers for additional
information and guidance in selecting appropriate connectors.
1. For the purposes of this calculator and the
FORTIFIED Home program, an "attached structure" is defined as an outdoor or
semi-outdoor space
with a solid roof that is attached to an exterior wall or the roof structure
of the main building.
2. Wind uplift design pressures used are per
ASCE 7-16 section 30.7 and assume the following:
• Rectangular or square
plan; 20 ft D (max.) x 25 ft W (max.) with up to 1.5 ft max. overhang
• Flat, monoslope roof
• Weight of roof = 7 psf
• Mean roof height = 15
• Framing geometry
configured as shown in Figure 1
3. Required loads for connections provided are
4. The supporting foundation requires
independent verification of adequacy for applied loads.
5. For conditions outside the limitations of
this calculator, consult a professional engineer.
6. This calculator is intended to be
preliminary guidance for use with the FORTIFIED Home™ program Silver
designation. Design must meet or exceed local code requirements. This
calculator does not supercede the need for drawings or plans to be reviewed
and signed by a professional engineer.