
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Laura, Delta, Zeta and Ida, state leaders committed to promoting storm-resistant construction across Louisiana. As a result, homeowners in the state are now eligible for a variety of incentives to help offset the cost of upgrading their homes to the FORTIFIED standard.


When funded, the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program provides grants up to $10,000 to owners of existing homes to upgrade to the FORTIFIED Roof standard. Grants are available to homeowners of all income levels with a primary residence in Louisiana.

For more information, visit Louisiana Fortify Homes.




Louisiana provides  

GRANTS UP TO $10,000 

for resilient roofing


Insurance Discounts

Many insurers in Louisiana offer discounts for homes meeting the FORTIFIED standard—some over 50% off the wind and hail portion of your homeowners premium.

Click here for a sample.




Best If You Can’t Get FORTIFIED Before the Next Storm

If you are not able to get a FORTIFIED Roof before the next storm comes, make sure your homeowners policy includes a FORTIFIED Endorsement. Offered by most insurance carriers in Louisiana, this extra coverage will pay additional funds to help offset the cost of upgrading to a FORTIFIED Roof if yours is being replaced due to a covered loss. Cost for the endorsement varies by carrier.

Ask your insurance agent for details.







Tax Deduction 

Louisiana provides a tax deduction of up to $5,000 (or 50% of the cost, whichever is lower) for retrofitting an existing residential structure to meet current building code requirements. Some of the qualifying retrofits include a sealed roof deck, enhanced roof attachment, gable-end bracing and opening protection—all of which are included in the FORTIFIED standard.

Stay In The Know

Do you want to keep up with the latest resiliency research? Would you like timely tips and reminders to keep your home safe from Mother Nature? Are you interested in the science behind the FORTIFIED standard?  Then sign up for the FORTIFIED Update, today!

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