API Token Request / API Questions


Our API permits users to verify a property's designation status.


Our API requires an API Key. If you do not have an API Key, please click here to request access to the API. Once you have an API Key, simply pass the API Key in the Authorization Header as a key/value pair with each request. All requests and responses accept and a return JSON object. Not passing in the API Key through the Authorization Header as a Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key will return a Status Code of 401 - Unauthorized.

Verify Address Endpoint


GET https://api.ibhs.org/prod/basic-v1/basic/evaluation/address[?Address1][&Address2][&City][&StateAbbr][&ZipCode]
GET https://api.ibhs.org/dev/basic-v1/basic/evaluation/address[?Address1][&Address2][&City][&StateAbbr][&ZipCode]

Required Headers:
Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
BasicOpenApiKey : xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx

*Each environment will require its own unique subscription key and basic openapi key, whether for Production or Development

Request Body:
{ "Address1": "1315 10th St", "Address2" : "", "City": "Sacramento", "StateAbbr": "CA", "ZipCode": "95814" }

Body Model:

Property Datatype Required
Address1 string Yes
Address2 string No
City string Yes
StateAbbr string Yes
ZipCode string No


The response data that is returned will vary, depending on the where a property is at in the FORTIFIED Designation process.

Below is an example of the response for a home that has been designated as FORTFIED Gold - High Wind:

			"fortifiedId": "FEH28428020180000920",
			"id": "818e93bb-a904-45d4-b319-c255e4f60698",
			"isRedesignation": false,
			"productType_AsString": "FORTIFIED Home",
			"status_AsString": "Approved",
			"approvedAt": "2024-07-01T00:00:00",
			"expiresAt": "2029-07-01T00:00:00",
			"buildingAddress": "20 Pine Oak St",
			"buildingAddress2": "",
			"buildingCity": "Westport",
			"buildingState_AsString": "CT - Connecticut",
			"buildingZip": "06880",
			"isNewConstruction": false,
			"isNewRoof": true,
			"hasHailSupplement": false,
			"hazard_AsString": "High Wind",
			"designationLevel_AsString": "Gold",
			"roofCoverTypes_AsString": "Asphalt Shingle"

Response Model:

Property Description Datatype
fortifiedId The unique identifier that will be found on the FORTIFIED designation certificate. string
id The internally used, software unique identifier. string (uuid)
isRedesignation 'true' signifies that the property has been previously designated as FORTFIED, and has been redesignated.
'false' signifies the initial FORTIFIED designation.
productType_AsString Specifies which FORTFIED Program the property has been submitted for.
  1. "FORTIFIED Home"
  2. "FORTIFIED Commercial"
  3. "FORTIFIED Multifamily"
status_AsString Specifies the current status of the property's designation. If value = "Approved", the property has been previously designated as FORTIFIED. The subsequent data point "expiresAt" should be used to determine whether designation is still active. string
approvedAt Date and time when the FORTFIED designation was issued. string (date-time)
expiresAt Date and time when the FORTFIED designation expires. string (date-time)
buildingAddress Street Address of the property string
buildingAddress2 Secondary Street Address of the property string
buildingCity City string
buildingState_AsString State Name - State Abbreviation string
buildingZip Postal Code string
isNewConstruction Returns "true" if property is new construction. boolean
isNewRoof Returns "true" if property's roof is new installation. boolean
hasHailSupplement Returns "true" if designation includes hail supplement. boolean
  1. "Hurricane"
  2. "High Wind"
  1. "Roof"
  2. "Silver"
  3. "Gold"
  1. "Asphalt Shingle"
  2. "Metal Panel"
  3. "Clay or Concrete Tile"
  4. "Wood Shake or Shingle"
  5. "Low Slope"


At present, our data access policy restricts queries to a single query at a time with a rate limit of 60 calls per minute, for reasons related to resource efficiency, data security, integrity, and fair resource allocation.


FORTIFIED API Token Request / API Questions

This will be used to access the API Portal, documentation and testing environment.

Stay In The Know

Do you want to keep up with the latest resiliency research? Would you like timely tips and reminders to keep your home safe from Mother Nature? Are you interested in the science behind the FORTIFIED standard?  Then sign up for the FORTIFIED Update, today!

What Can We Help You With?

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Thank you for your inquiry! Someone will follow up with you in 24-48 hours!