Secure the roof and reinforce the most vulnerable areas of your home to give it the best chance to keep wind, rain and storm pressures out. FORTIFIED Gold™ was specifically designed to reinforce the areas of your home conventional construction may leave susceptible to damage from high winds and wind-driven rain.


When protecting against severe weather, your roof is the first line of defense. It’s also the most vulnerable. FORTIFIED Gold includes all the requirements of FORTIFIED Roof – including enhanced nailing, a sealed roof deck and locked down edges – to give your home its best chance of weathering a storm.


Post-disaster studies show that typical construction often leaves key elements of a home vulnerable to the powerful winds and pressure that come with a storm. FORTIFIED Gold also includes all the next-level protection provided by FORTIFIED Silver. Things like stronger garage doors, anchored carports and porches, and reinforced chimneys and gable-ends will help keep your home intact during severe weather events.


In most areas of the country, typical construction relies on gravity—and the weight of your home—to keep it in one piece when high winds threaten. Sadly, storm after storm, we see proof this is not enough. FORTIFIED Gold requires an engineered continuous load path, which is a specific plan that specifies how your roof should be fixed to your walls, and how the walls should be anchored to the foundation. Creating a singular, solid structure is the key to FORTIFIED’s system for maximum protection.

Typical Construction Leaves Your Home Vulnerable

Danny Lipford, host of Today’s Homeowners, explains the benefits of FORTIFIED and why he chose to follow the standard when building his own house.

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For superior protection from hurricanes, tornadoes and other severe weather events, choose FORTIFIED Gold.

The National Standard for Resilience

Enhanced Roof Deck Attachment
When severe weather hits, keeping your roof deck attached to your home is key to blocking storm pressure and rain from entering your home. IBHS testing shows that switching from common smooth nails to 8D ring-shank nails and decreasing the space between nails, can double the uplift your roof can withstand.
Sealed Roof Deck
If wind rips off your roof covering (like shingles, metal panels or tiles), it exposes the wood beneath and allows water to pass through the gaps and enter your home. IBHS testing shows that for every inch of rain to hit an exposed roof deck, the equivalent of nine bathtubs of water can pour in and cause significant interior damage. By sealing the seams of your roof deck, you can reduce that water-intrusion by up to 95%!
Locked Down Roof Edges
Roof damage often begins when wind gets underneath the roof edge and begins ripping it away from the home. To help protect this vulnerable area, FORTIFIED requires specific materials and installation methods, including a wider drip edge and a fully adhered starter strip, that when used together create a stronger edge system.
Impact-resistant Shingles Rated by IBHS**
In hail-prone areas, FORTIFIED requires shingles tested by IBHS to show they can withstand hail up to 2 inches in diameter. These shingles outperform typical Class 4 shingles when tested against realistic hailstones and will better protect your home.
Wind and Rain-Resistant Attic Vents
During severe-weather events, high winds can pull typical attic vents loose, giving the storm a pathway into your home. Even when it doesn’t pull vents loose, wind can drive rain almost sideways, allowing it to enter your home through vents that are not designed to prevent it. To keep this from happening, FORTIFIED requires attic vents that are wind and rain resistant.
Impact Protection for Windows & Doors*
When rain and storm pressures penetrate a home, damage quickly escalates. That why it is so important to defend openings like doors and windows. FORTIFIED requires window and door protection that is tested to withstand both pressure and impact.
Impact* & Pressure-Rated Garage Doors
Keeping winds and pressure from entering your home is critical for its survival in a storm. Both can easily come through a failed garage door, and once this happens, it’s common to see blown-out walls and collapsed roofs. FORTIFIED prevents this scenario by requiring garage doors rated to withstand high pressures, and in hurricane-prone areas, garage doors with windows to be rated to withstand impact from windborne debris.
Chimney Bracing
High winds can tear chimney framing off the roof of the home, leaving a hole in the roof and allowing rain to easily enter, which typically leads to significant interior damage. FORTIFIED requires chimneys to be anchored to the home to help spread the load and prevent tear-offs.
Reinforced Soffits*
IBHS testing shows that when wind drives rain almost sideways, it can actually be blown up under your roof overhangs. Your soffits should prevent that water from sneaking into your attic, but in typically-built homes, soffits are often hung with inadequate support. This allows them to be easily blown and gives wind-driven rain easy access to your home. FORTIFIED requires extra bracing and some additional fasteners to keep the soffit in place.
Anchored Attached Structures
High winds can flow under the roof of a carport or porch, and if the structure is not properly anchored, it can not only lift up like a kite―it can take part of your house with it. FORTIFIED requires strong anchors and proper connections to prevent this type of damage.
Gable End Bracing
Post-disaster studies show that unbraced gable ends are a critical weak link for homes attacked by high winds. By requiring additional bracing, FORTIFIED stops wind from collapsing this section of a home.
Pressure-rated Windows & Doors*
When severe weather strikes, keeping the storm pressure out is absolutely imperative. One of the easiest ways for it to barge into your home is through doors and windows. Once inside, storm pressure pushes outward on your walls and roof and can cause catastrophic damage to the structure of your home. Fortunately, you can defend against this by using windows and doors that are properly rated for the weather you face.
Stronger Exterior Sheathing*
No matter what direction the wind is coming from, your walls will take the brunt of it. If they fail, wind and rain will ravage your home. This is why FORTIFIED requires thicker, impact resistant structural sheathing that can resist flying debris.
Engineered Roof-to-Wall Connections
Storm after storm, we see homes completely leveled. FORTIFIED reduces the risk of this happening to your home by requiring a continuous load path, which means your roof-to-wall, story-to-story, and wall-to-foundation connections are engineered to withstand the wind and pressure your home is likely to face in a severe storm. Creating a singular, solid structure is the key to keeping the roof on and the home in place when high winds or hurricanes threaten.
Engineered Story-to-Story Connections
Storm after storm, we see homes completely leveled. FORTIFIED reduces the risk of this happening to your home by requiring a continuous load path, which means your roof-to-wall, story-to-story, and wall-to-foundation connections are engineered to withstand the wind and pressure your home is likely to face in a severe storm. Creating a singular, solid structure is the key to keeping the roof on and the home in place when high winds or hurricanes threaten.
Engineered Wall-to-Foundation Connections
Storm after storm, we see homes completely leveled. FORTIFIED reduces the risk of this happening to your home by requiring a continuous load path, which means your roof-to-wall, story-to-story, and wall-to-foundation connections are engineered to withstand the wind and pressure your home is likely to face in a severe storm. Creating a singular, solid structure is the key to keeping the roof on and the home in place when high winds or hurricanes threaten.
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* Required in Hurricane Prone Areas Only
** Required for the optional Hail Supplement to a FORTIFIED designation.
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