IBHS roofing specialist Mark Zehnal explains some of the upgrades that make a FORTIFIED Roof stronger.

FORTIFIED at a Glance



Printable PDFs of the Inside FORTIFIED series in both English and Spanish.

Installing Underlayment Over Taped Seams
[ English | Spanish ]

Sealing Roof Seams with Tape
[ English | Spanish ]

Installing Self-Adhered Starter Strips
[ English | Spanish ]

Installing Starter Strips Using Roof Cement
[ English | Spanish ]

Fastening Sheathing on Existing Roofs in Hurricane Areas
[ English | Spanish ]

Installing Drip Edge in Hurricane Areas
[ English | Spanish ]

Sealing Roof Seams with Two Layers of Felt
[ English | Spanish ]

Getting FORTIFIED Certified


Whether you’re an architect designing a new home, a contractor building a house, an inspector verifying compliance, an insurance agent providing coverage or an agency providing funding for construction – you can benefit from training offered by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) through FORTIFIED Wise University.


Step One.
Complete the training course appropriate for your company (roofer, evaluator or professional) and for your area (hurricane or high wind) and pass the FORTIFIED certification test with a score of 85 or better.
Step Two.
Upload proof that you meet the minimum qualifications for the certification you seek and sign the FORTIFIED Service Provider Agreement.
Step Three.
Provide contact information for the FORTIFIED Service Provider Directory and receive access to FORTIFIED logos and sample marketing materials.

Benefits to becoming A FORTIFIED Trained Service Provider

Contractors across the country are learning how a series of upgrades that go beyond typical building codes can protect homes from storms and are using the FORTIFIED program to help grow their businesses.

Want to talk to us about becoming a FORTIFIED contractor?

Contact Us


Reputation for Quality

Satisfied customers are your strongest advocates and, when a storm comes, the ones who stay dry are the loudest. Give your company its best chance of success by offering the added protection of the FORTIFIED standard.


Added Customer Confidence

A FORTIFIED designation requires documentation that the techniques and components outlined in the standard were used. This independent third-party verification gives potential customers confidence their home or roof will be constructed to the highest standard.


Certified Expertise

FORTIFIED training provides tools to help you be successful. Go a step further and become a FORTIFIED service provider. Then, not only can you advertise your expertise in resilient construction or roofing, you’ll be listed in the online FORTIFIED directory.

Stay In The Know

Do you want to keep up with the latest resiliency research? Would you like timely tips and reminders to keep your home safe from Mother Nature? Are you interested in the science behind the FORTIFIED standard? Then, sign up for customized emails to learn more.

What Can We Help You With?

Give us a little more information and we’ll be happy to assist! In the meantime, have you checked out our FAQs?

Thank you for your inquiry! Someone will follow up with you in 24-48 hours!