Alabama Understood...

“Alabama understood that we can make our homes and businesses stronger so more of us can come through the next storm with just minor damage, allowing our towns and our State to recover much faster… Led by the Department of Insurance, Alabama was a first mover in recognizing the FORTIFIED construction standard provides a roadmap to more resilient communities.”

– Governor Kay Ivey


When funded, the Strengthen Alabama Homes program provides grants up to $10,000 to owners of existing homes to upgrade them to the FORTIFIED standard.  No income limits or tests.  Open to all homeowners with a primary residence in Alabama.

For more information, visit Strengthen Alabama Homes




Alabama provides  

GRANTS UP TO $10,000 

for resilient roofing


Insurance Discounts

Get Savings Based on Your Level of Protection

Most insurance companies in Alabama offer


off the wind portion of property owners insurance


Strengthens the roof system and minimizes the chances of water entering your home.

25-35% discounts

Strengthens the roof, windows, doors and other vulnerable areas of your home to prevent wind and rain from causing serious damage.

35-45% discounts

All the added strength of FORTIFIED Roof and Silver, plus a continuous load path to provide maximum protection from wind.

45-55% discounts


Best If You Can’t Get FORTIFIED Before the Next Storm

If you are not able to get a FORTIFIED Roof before the next storm comes, make sure your homeowners policy includes a FORTIFIED Endorsement. Offered by most insurance carriers in Alabama, this extra coverage will pay additional funds to help offset the cost of upgrading to a FORTIFIED Roof if yours is being replaced due to a covered loss. Cost for the endorsement varies by carrier.

Ask your insurance company for details.

Most insurance companies in Alabama will

Pay to Upgrade to FORTIFIED

if you have an endorsement and have significant roof damage

Alabama residents can get

Up to a $3,000 Deduction

for mitigating risk of storm damage

Tax Deduction 

Alabama residents may deduct from gross income the lesser of 50 percent of the cost or $3,000 to retrofit their home to resist wind or flood damage.  Upgrading to the FORTIFIED standard can qualify for this deduction.  

Consult a tax advisor for more information.

Alabama Success Stories



Stay In The Know

Do you want to keep up with the latest resiliency research? Would you like timely tips and reminders to keep your home safe from Mother Nature? Are you interested in the science behind the FORTIFIED standard?  Then sign up for the FORTIFIED Update, today!

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