To be listed in the FORTIFIED directory, evaluators, roofing contractors, and professionals use the FORTIFIED Provider Portal to provide documentation showing they meet provider eligibility requirements.
Step 1
Submit Provider Application
Step 2
Complete Training & Pass the Exam
Step 3
Complete Profile in the Provider Portal
Step 1 – Submit Provider Application
Create an account and register for the FORTIFIED Provider Portal and take the first step towards becoming a certified FORTIFIED service provider.
To set up your account, you’ll provide contact information and upload specific credentials showing you meet the minimum eligibility requirements described in the applicable provider handbook. The FORTIFIED team will review your documentation to confirm you meet the eligibility requirements.
FORTIFIED Roofing Contractor Handbook
FORTIFIED Evaluator Handbook
FORTIFIED Professional Handbook
Step 2 – Complete Training & Pass the Exam
Go to FORTIFIED Wise University and complete the online training course appropriate for your company (roofing contractor, evaluator or professional) and for your area (hurricane or high wind). Then pass the corresponding FORTIFIED certification exam with a score of 85 or better.
When you pass the test, you’ll get an email with your score and certificate. Keep this for your records and to upload to your profile in the FORTIFIED Provider Portal.
Note: Training and exam must be renewed every three years.
Step 3 – Complete Profile in the Provider Portal
Once you’ve passed the certification exam, return to the FORTIFIED Provider Portal to complete the registration process. You’ll need to upload your exam certificate, a signed Provider Agreement and any credentials you have not previously provided.
Certified FORTIFIED Roofing Contractor Agreement
Certified FORTIFIED Evaluator Agreement
FORTIFIED Professional Agreement
Once everything is updated, the FORTIFIED team will review the final documents and make your company’s listing visible in the FORTIFIED Directory. You can now use the FORTIFIED logo and images in advertising and social media campaigns.
NOTE: Providers must periodically provide up-to-date documentation showing insurance, certification and license requirements remain valid. All documentation should be uploaded directly into your individual provider profile in the FORTIFIED Provider Portal.
FORTIFIED Provider Portal
Manage Your Provider Profile
Provide Your Eligibility Documents
Update Your Company Listing
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