The color version of the FORTIFIED logos shown should be used. A single color (black) version is available for single-color applications and may be reversed to white when necessary.
No other color options are allowed under the usage guidelines, including incorporating a tint or gradient or other elements. The mark may be used on solid color backgrounds.
Size & Space
It is critical to maintain an open area surrounding the FORTIFIED Home™ mark. The mark must remain recognizable and must not become lost in other page elements.
Suggested defined space guidelines are to allow half the height of the logo around all sides.
The mark must always be displayed at a size large enough to read both the mark type and the registered trademark. This will vary based on the resolution of the medium in which it is being used. General guidelines call for the mark height to be no smaller than 1.27 cm (1/5 in.) or 36 pixels.
Primary Palette
The main colors used in FORTIFIED materials.
C90 M34 Y100 K27
R1 G102 B43
Commercial Blue
C100 M55 Y10 K48
R0 G62 B105
FORTIFIED Home is a program developed by the Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety (IBHS) to promote resilient construction practices. Businesses and organizations that participate in the program can use the FORTIFIED Home name and marks, registered marks owned by IBHS, as part of their home resiliency activities and promotions.
Organizations using these marks must abide by the following general guidelines:
- The FORTIFIED Home mark may not be used in any other company name, product name, service name, domain name or Web site title.
- The marks may never be associated with homes or buildings that do not have a FORTIFIED Home designation.
- A license agreement must be obtained from IBHS if your business or organization advertises that materials or products used in construction are consistent with the FORTIFIED Home program. Use the Contact Us form to obtain a license agreement free of charge.
- The trademark symbol ™ must be used the first time the words “FORTIFIED Home™” appear in material.
FORTIFIED Home Review Policy
- Advertisements where the designation mark is placed next to qualified homes do not need to be approved.
- IBHS must approve any major educational or promotional campaigns that feature the FORTIFIED mark prior to final production or printing. The submitted materials will be reviewed for consistency with these guidelines.
Mark Violations
IBHS actively monitors proper use of the FORTIFIED Home mark and is prepared to take action as appropriate.
IBHS must approve in writing any promotional campaigns (including yard signage) that feature the FORTIFIED mark where the mark will be used in reference to a home, group of homes or set of design documents that a FORTIFIED Home designation prior to final production or printing. Submitted materials will be reviewed for consistency with these guidelines. Use the Contact Us form to begin the review process.
Questions About Using the Marks
If you have questions regarding the use of the marks, please call the FORTIFIED Program Administrator at 813-286-3400 or email your questions to using the Contact Us form.
Stay In The Know
Do you want to keep up with the latest resiliency research? Would you like timely tips and reminders to keep your home safe from Mother Nature? Are you interested in the science behind the FORTIFIED standard? Then sign up for the FORTIFIED Update, today!